Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Portrayal of Ethnic Minorities in the Media

After watching Merchants of Cool and Miss Representation, I have realized the power that media has on easily influencing individuals in our society. Through exposure to movies and television, I feel like there are definite stereotypes in today's society that are influenced by the media, causing people to expect others to be a certain way when they simply are not. For example, shows like How I Met Your Mother is an example of a group of friends that relates to the common people. While it may be more for a mature audience than teenagers our age, it is well-known and has a large fan base. More importantly, How I Met Your Mother has arguably five main characters-- all of them are White. Popular movies and television shows often have White protagonists, and when there are other ethnic groups like African-American, Asian, or Hispanic, they are usually "white-washed" or appeal to American stereotypes. This shows the lack of representation or perhaps misconceptions of minorities in media.

The ultimate consequences by having limited representatives on different ethnic groups in media are in fact, negative. While there are both positive and negative stereotypes about minority groups, both create expectations for individuals affecting their ability to identify and fit in to society. Even if the stereotype is positive such as that Asian-Americans are geniuses or African-Americans are good at basketball, it still affects individuals in a negative way because if you are of that ethnicity but do not fit the stereotype, it is hard to fit in.

These stereotypes tend to allow people in today's society to view others under a single story, assuming that people can be categorized based on their ethnicity. Not only does this affect judgment of people, but it causes a lack of identity within individuals affected by these stereotypes. If people are exposed to media that reinforce these stereotypes of individuals, it encourages people to act a certain way in society, instead of expressing who they truly are.


  1. I completely agree with the entirety of this post! Personally, it's definitely disheartening to see little to no Asian American representation in the media, from TV shows and movies to magazines. When I was little I, like lots of kids, wanted to grow up to be a performer, but seeing no one who looked like me in that business made me think it was not possible. It also is terrible that when there does happen to be a role for Asians, its almost always the reinforcement of a stereotype -- the exotic, submissive Asian women or the fresh off the boat Asian immigrant who doesn't speak English or the super smart Asian student. There is actually never an Asian character whose storyline/personality is unrelated to stereotypical Asian-ness -- for example, an Asian has never played a regular American teenager in regular chick-flick romance movie. Also, whenever there is a role intended for Asians (or Latino/as, and any other POC for that matter??) the industry tries as hard as possible to cast it as a white person -- like Scarlet Johanassen in Ghost in the Shell. So much white washing!! This underrepresentation is something society must combat for true equality.

  2. Also on the thing about whitewashing, companies justify it by saying "but there are not A-list Asian actresses!!" well I mean DUH there aren't any, since everyone refuses to cast Asian americans in movies. Its a constant cycle -- no one casts them so there aren't any that are qualified, though i'm sure there's an equal amount of talent in minorities as there are among white people.

  3. I totally agree with your argument. I like how you mentioned how Asian, African, and Hispanic on television are usually "white-washed." When you said that there are some positive stereotypes about ethic group, what are so positive stereotypes about Hispanics?

    On another note I agree with Elyse, growing up in a rich mostly white private school I felt like an outsider due to my ethic background. I found it hard to find a strong Hispanic protagonist in American movies. I believe this is due to the common stereotype that Hispanics are lazy and only good for mowing lawns. I believe that Mr. Trump has hurt the reputation of Mexicans and he has caused the media to represent Hispanics as "rapist, killers, and apart of the drug cartel."
    What are other examples that the media has reinforced these stereotypes?
    Lastly, awesome job I totally agree with this blog.

    1. A positive stereotype about Hispanics could be that they have good food or are hard-working as opposed to what Trump characterizes Mexicans as "lazy." Again, these are just generalizations that I've heard and it is unfair for people to feel like they have to live up to them.
      Besides television and movies, other examples in the media that reinforce stereotypes and generalizations could be from the music industry, as songs subconsciously convey messages about society and issues

  4. I totally agree with your argument. I like how you mentioned how Asian, African, and Hispanic on television are usually "white-washed." When you said that there are some positive stereotypes about ethic group, what are so positive stereotypes about Hispanics?

    On another note I agree with Elyse, growing up in a rich mostly white private school I felt like an outsider due to my ethic background. I found it hard to find a strong Hispanic protagonist in American movies. I believe this is due to the common stereotype that Hispanics are lazy and only good for mowing lawns. I believe that Mr. Trump has hurt the reputation of Mexicans and he has caused the media to represent Hispanics as "rapist, killers, and apart of the drug cartel."
    What are other examples that the media has reinforced these stereotypes?
    Lastly, awesome job I totally agree with this blog.
