Tuesday, June 14, 2016

My Reflection on Media

My relationship with media has been changed, as I see more of the positive aspects in being connected to the world. As a teenager, I am constantly exposed to media, as it is all around us whether we like it or not. This causes to me to consciously and unconsciously conform to the ideas of my peers and popular figures in media to and be aware of current trends. Overall, being aware of techniques that big name companies and advertisers use to attract such a large audience is helpful for me to consider things with a grain of salt and to constantly question the true intentions.

As my first post about my relationship of media stated that media has more negative effects than positive effects on people, I am leaning towards the positive side, thinking that media helps others stay connected and measure themselves to their peers and the rest of the world. This semester, I have noticed that I did not heavily rely on as much media as I have before. Instead, I catch myself analyzing actions of media in order to see what the true intentions are that lie underneath the surface. It's important to have media literacy to become aware of techniques and patterns that are ever-present in our lives in the twenty-first century, a modern and technologically advanced era. With media literacy, there is self-awareness in peoples' actions, like consuming products that are heavily advertised in media. Being media literate and an educated consumer helps the world as a whole grow, as well as to prevent an individual from being manipulated and shaped by media.

Overall, this blog has opened my eyes to schemes and techniques that advertisers and companies do in order to money. Additionally, this media blog assignment has caused me to look for patterns and trends in media, keeping me updated on social norms in media. Keeping this blog has caused me to become more media literate, allowing me to view things with an open-mind and from multiple perspectives. Media literacy is extremely important for a person to survive in this world, especially when this world is engulfed with advanced technology and revolves around influential companies such as Apple, Microsoft, and many more media outlets.

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